Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sabrina Brown
Period 1
               Students can be classifies in many different ways such as age, grades, height, weight, or even gender. It all depends on how we classify them if we classify them on their age using their grades we could say that junior year is the hardest year for some students and that freshman year is the easiest. When you understand the reasons why we classify these students by their age we find out the difficulty level of school.
               School in general is a tough road to follow but high school is especially hard because while a teen is trying to learn they have to deal with the fact that they are growing as well in hormones and puberty and while high school is hard they are trying to not only get ready for college but get good grades to get in to college. By classifying teens this way we can understand the way they act because of all the stresses and comprehend their moods and understand them. As a teen I understand the confidence it takes to go through school and prepare for college and sometimes it seems like no matter how hard you try you just can’t get ahead and that is okay but unfortunately this is a great motivator or incentive for teens to give up or drop out of high school and therefore not go to college. This is why we classify these teens by age in order to understand the way teens react to certain situations. Staying up all night doing homework is a majority reason on why teens are irritable and with stress and hormones teens act up and cause more stress to their diet which could be why they act up.
               We classify teens by age to not only find out the difficulty level of school but also the stressors in their lives and psychologically help your future teens. I chose to classify teens this way because it is the simplest way to classify them without being too broad so you can help your teen. Teenagers at the age where their grades drop is also a sign if vulnerability in their years which could lead into drugs in their formative years and by recognizing this you can save a lot of teens from ruining their lives and furthermore killing themselves. Their formative years teens can feel the need to be perfect because everything they do will affect them later in a bad way but not all of that is true everything they do will affect them but not always in a bad way and sometimes in almost little way if nothing at all
               This is why we classify students in this way, preferably teens, it is to help them in the future and by classifying by age you are able to understand their reasoning if it seems irrational this will benefit teens in trying to understand their stress and to relieve it is crucial and beneficial to their younger years and will be useful in the future.

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